Mental Health Links
Mapping Interrelationships Among Mental Disorders

by Wenge Wang

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Why Is It Important

Mental disorders are a significant global concern, impacting millions of lives worldwide, from depression to schizophrenia. Given their complexity and prevalence, understanding the connections between different disorders is crucial for developing effective prevention strategies, interventions, and treatments.
This project explores these connections and influencing factors, providing insights accessible to the general public. It delves into two key questions: How do various mental health disorders interconnect, and what factors influence them?


April, 2024


Python, R, Google Sheet, D3.js

Do you know...

Without mental health, there can be no true physical health.
- Dr. Brock Chisholm

30% of people experienced suboptimal mental health for some days in the past 30 days.

Specifically, people met these moods:


58% people feel anxious


52% people feel agitated


52% people feel fatigued


41% people feel depressed


28% people feel despondent


18% people feel inadequate

Source from: CDC, NYC Health

State-wise, the situation varies noticeably.

Percentage of Poor Mental Health:


Source from: CDC

Mental disorders often coexist, with depression and anxiety being the most common conditions.

Source from: CDC

Mapping Mental Disorder Patterns: Hierarchical Clustering

Besides the co-occurrence situation, I further explored how different mental health conditions relate to each other using hierarchical clustering. It's based on the matrix of Hamming distance, which measures how similar or different these disorders are. To make the results easier to understand, I cleaned up the data by removing cases where only one mental disorder type was present. This helps to remove any confusion caused by irrelevant information.
Source from: SAMHSA

Interplay Between Demographic Metrics and Mental Disorders

Using Multivariate Correspondence Analysis (MCA) techniques, I navigated through mental health client-level dataset from SAMHA, to uncover hidden patterns between demographic metrics such as age and gender, and mental health disorders. Utilizing cosine similarity, a pivotal metric in data analysis, I precisely quantify the strength of these relationships, ranging from 0 to 1. A value nearing 1 indicates a higher relation strength, signifying a closer association between demographic factors and specific mental health conditions. The data was meticulously rounded and filtered to exclude weaker relationships lower than 0.10, ensuring a focus on key findings.
Source from: SAMHSA

Relationship Between Demographic Metrics and Mental Disorders

Data and Methdology

The dataset utilized in this study was sourced from various reputable sources, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the New York City Health Department, and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
The binary data, representing the presence or absence of specific mental health conditions, was processed using hierarchical clustering techniques, such as Hamming distance, to identify co-occurrence patterns among different disorders. Additionally, categorical data, encompassing various demographic and diagnostic categories, underwent analysis using multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) to reveal associations and trends within the dataset.
Further research in this area could explore additional statistical techniques and expand the scope of analysis to uncover more nuanced patterns and correlations.

Key Takeaways

This project taught me a lot about mental health data analysis. By using techniques like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA), I found important connections in the data. MCA, particularly helpful with categorical data, was a standout choice. Working with Python for data modeling was a big step forward, helping me build accurate models. These experiences really boosted my statistical skills and set me up well for future projects.

Special Thanks

I began this project with limited knowledge of how to conduct Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) in Python. Special thanks to Max Halford for the invaluable Prince MCA tutorial, which provided crucial guidance and insights throughout the project.