Q1 2024 Report
Enhancing Concern Worldwide's Donor Engagement

by Wenge Wang, Priyanka Nair, Eleanor Rothwell

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We're Not Really Strangers Product

Goals and Objectives

Concern WorldWide(CWW) is A global community working to end extreme poverty with sustainable, community-driven programs. In Q1 2024 (January 1st to April 1st), our Digital Analysis project for Concern Worldwide targets new donor acquisitions, particularly from younger demographics. Our initiatives include Google Analytics reporting, SEO optimization, and social media analytics.


May, 2024


Google Analytics, Looker Studio, SEMRush, LinkedIn Page Analytics, Instagram Insights

Who are the Users?

Our primary audience largely resides in New York, United States. They're particularly interested in learning about issues related to the 'poorest country,' with secondary concerns revolving around 'Somalian women' and 'world hunger/food shortages.' Desktop devices are their preferred choice for accessing the online content.

How's CWW'S Online Presence in Q1 2024?




There has been a substantial 67% increase in conversions.



Total Users

However, there has been a notable 15% decrease in total online users.


Returning Users

Only 13% of users are returning, suggesting room for improved retention.

Performance Dashboard

Utilizing data from Concern Worldwide's and Mission Market's Google Analytics accounts, the exploratory data analysis provides insights into user demographics, content discovery, platform interaction, and campaign effectiveness. This solid data foundation informs our recommendations for optimizing user engagement and conversions.

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Extended SEO and Social Media Analysis

As a team, we also delved deep into SEO and social media platforms such as Instagram and LinkedIn, conducting extensive analysis. Our efforts culminated in the creation of a comprehensive report, offering insights that go beyond our previous endeavors. Leveraging our findings, we crafted tailored recommendations aimed at helping our clients effectively engage with the younger generation, ensuring their message resonates across diverse digital channels.

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Data and Methdology

The data was obtained from Concern WorldWide's Google Analytics account, offering insights into their online presence. The decision to focus on user demographic, acquisition, engagement, and conversions stems from a strategic approach to exploratory data analysis, aiming to identify potential avenues for increasing user engagement and conversions. Analyzing user demographic data allows us to understand the composition of Concern WorldWide's online audience, while acquisition metrics shed light on how users discover the organization's content. Additionally, evaluating engagement metrics helps us gauge the level of interaction and interest generated by the platform's content, while conversion data provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of the organization's online campaigns and initiatives.

Special Thanks

Special thanks to our professor, Sahirah Johnson, for her invaluable support and guidance throughout this journey, making the experience even more memorable! Additionally, we are grateful to Nasdaq for providing us with the space to present our final group project on digital analytics assessment for Concern Worldwide US.